I set out to design a poster in celebration of the Deutschland experience in 2010. It was finished and copyrighted in 2011. Many were purchased as gifts for arriving/departing military personnel. After we moved back to the states in 2012, the remainder went into storage. When we discovered we were being offered the opportunity to return to Germany, I wasn’t sure if I would need them, but put them in with our household goods to be shipped.
Upon our arrival, and this time to Bavaria — a completely different part of Germany and absolutely gorgeous — I decided to write this blog about our travels and experiences, which at the time I thought would include much more of Europe than it has been to date (thanks to C-19!)
However, as I’ve said in numerous posts, there is nothing boring or lacking about being limited to travel within Germany’s borders. Even if the borders were all open now, we would be hard-pressed to choose between destinations in other countries and those that are within the confines of Germany!
It is disappointing that some of the celebrated German traditions have come to a halt in 2020; specifically, Oktoberfest and many of the famous Christmas Markets. But German towns have so much history and gorgeous architecture that’s it’s easy to have an exciting day or weekend exploring one after another even when there are no festivities. Missing those events for one year is not going to change our memories and what we look forward to revisiting in 2021!
Everyone should experience Oktoberfest at least once while they are here (even people like me who don’t drink beer!) and visiting some of the world’s greatest vineyards right here in this country! Wine tastings, Black Forest cuckoo clocks, the foods and the traditional attire, the music, riding trains to wine festivals, climbing to the highest peaks in the German alps, Deutschland’s love of what they call football (soccer to Americans!)…………these are all part of the amazing culture here, and part of our cherished memories.
"The vineyards, the foods and the traditional attire, the music, wine festivals, climbing to the highest peaks, Deutschland’s love of what they call football — all part of the amazing culture here"
That’s why they are all part of the poster! It really is a celebration of what we all love about Germany.
For more info about the name of the poster and, therefore, also this website, click here.
For info about how to purchase the commemorative poster, please click here.
Please note the watermark shown on the poster sample here is to protect the copyright.